All Research centre projects
Academic institution, Research centre, University of Oxford
Site for the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama, University of Oxford.
Project build, Website
Academic institution, Research centre, University of Oxford
Website design and build on a CMS for society organising bibliographical talks and publications.
Site build, Website
Conference, Early modern, Research centre, University of Oxford
Website for conference and research project on the early modern antiquarian, John Selden.
Logo, Site build, Webmaster, Website
Drupal, Early modern, Research centre, University of Oxford
Website and logo for interdisciplanary research centre at the University of Oxford.
Online edition, Website
Early modern, Literature, Research centre
Side-by-side transcriptions of the two editions of Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles.
Academic institution, Early modern, Research centre
Website for a new fifteen-volume critical edition of the works of Francis Bacon.
Site build, Webmaster, Website
Literature, Medieval, Research centre, University of Oxford
Interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Oxford.