All Early modern projects
Website for conference and research project on the early modern antiquarian, John Selden.
Website and logo for interdisciplanary research centre at the University of Oxford.
Side-by-side transcriptions of the two editions of Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles.
Website for a new fifteen-volume critical edition of the works of Francis Bacon.
'Citizen Milton' is an exhibition at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, December 2007-April 2008. It celebrates the quartercentenary of the birth of John Milton, author of Paradise Lost. This website was designed to illustrate some of the exhibits and reflect the influence and interpretation of Milton's works over the last four hundred years.
The website for the Oxford edition of John Donne's sermons. The site contains information about the project, as well as the text of all sermons which survive in manuscript. Comments about the site design here. The site was built in Drupal, and is managed as part of the Oxford CEMS project.